Objectives of the meeting
As president of the American Statistical Association ASA), Dr. Robert Rodriguez envisioned the association as a “big tent” for statistics—one that welcomes diverse statisticians, supports their growth, and amplifies their impact. In his 2012 presidential address, he emphasized that “Statistics improves human welfare. Statistics improves human welfare not by its own ends, but by its contributions in all fields.”
The theme of this year’s workshop highlights the collaborative and contributory nature of our profession. Statisticians play a crucial role as strategic partners not only in science, engineering, and business, but in society at large. Through four key sessions
- Contribution & Differentiation,
- Experimentation & Investigation,
- Collaboration and Recognition, and
- Innovation & Acceleration
We will explore the breadth and depth of these contributions and how our collaborative efforts with scientists, regulators and other stakeholders drive innovation and efficiency. By fostering strong cross-functional collaborations, we can ensure that our collective efforts lead to meaningful advancements in science, engineering, and business, ultimately improving human welfare and accelerating the delivery of medicines to patients.
Drawing inspiration from Dr. Rodriguez’s charge— “Regardless of whom we serve, whether they call themselves statisticians, scientists, or business analysts, we must convey the importance of statistical contributions. We must have the ability to explain, demonstrate, and prove that importance to students, to the media—and most of all—to society.” — We will discuss strategies for effectively communicating our impact and demonstrating the value of statistics across disciplines.
Join us in affirming the ‘big tent’ vision and shaping a future where statistics continues to enrich every domain it touches.