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Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce you the opening of Call for Abstracts for oral presentations related to the topics of the 4th Conference on Next Generation Sequencing for Adventitious Virus Detection in Biologics for Humans and Animals.

This meeting will take place in Frankfurt, Germany, on December 3-5, 2024.


This face-to-face meeting will continue to highlight current scientific data and knowledge with focus on NGS implementation for adventitious virus detection in biological products. Discussions will include capabilities of NGS for virus detection in different matrices and validation of the technical and bioinformatics steps involved in NGS for its applications in characterization and safety evaluation of biologics such as vaccines for human and veterinary use, gene and cell therapy products, and biotherapeutics.


Please note the deadline for the submission : June 15, 2024. - CALL FOR ABSTRACT CLOSED


Please address your abstract to 

Submit an abstract (in English) not more than 300 words (excluding title, authors, and affiliation), indicating which topic area you would like to be considered for and whether you have a preference for a talk or a poster.

The following topics related to NGS for human and veterinary biologics are included but other related ones may be considered:

  • Optimization of NGS sample preparation and processing for virus detection
  • Evaluation of short-read and long-read NGS
  • Bioinformatics strategies and pipelines
  • Follow-up strategies for signal detection
  • Reference materials and method Qualification/Validation
  • Applications of NGS as an alternative/supplement method for virus detection
  • Virus discovery in Biologics (case studies)
  • Experience with implementation of NGS
  • Experience with submissions of NGS to Regulatory Authorities
  • NGS challenges and ongoing efforts

Valid format :

  • PDF
  • Word

Should you require any further information or support, please feel free to reach out to

Looking forward to receiving your proposals,

The Organizing Committee



Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce you the opening of Call for Poster related to the topics of the 4th Conference on Next Generation Sequencing for Adventitious Virus Detection in Biologics for Humans and Animals.

This meeting will take place in Frankfurt, Germany, on December 3-5, 2024.


This face-to-face meeting will continue to highlight current scientific data and knowledge with focus on NGS implementation for adventitious virus detection in biological products. Discussions will include capabilities of NGS for virus detection in different matrices and validation of the technical and bioinformatics steps involved in NGS for its applications in characterization and safety evaluation of biologics such as vaccines for human and veterinary use, gene and cell therapy products, and biotherapeutics.


Please note the deadline for the submission : September 30, 2024


Please address your poster to 

Submitted posters will undergo a thorough selection process carried out by meeting chairs.

Key selection criteria will be clarity, relevance, timeliness, novelty and originality.


Valid format :

  • PDF
  • Word


Should you require any further information or support, please feel free to reach out to

Looking forward to receiving your proposals,

The Organizing Committee


Johannes Blümel
Paul-Ehrlich Institut (PEI)
See the Biosketch

Noémie Deneyer
GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines (GSK)
See the Biosketch

Arifa Khan
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA)
See the Biosketch

Ivana Knezevic
World Health Organization (WHO)
See the Biosketch

Laurent Mallet
European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM)
See the Biosketch

Pieter Neels
International Alliance for Biological Standardization (IABS)
See the Biosketch

Siemon NG
Notch Therapeutics
See the Biosketch

Yoji Sato
National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS)
See the Biosketch

Alice Alston

Johannes Blümel
Paul-Ehrlich Institut (PEI)
See the Biosketch

Noémie Deneyer
GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines (GSK)
See the Biosketch

Megan Gura

Bradley Hasson

Arifa Khan
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA)
See the Biosketch

Ivana Knezevic
World Health Organization (WHO)
See the Biosketch

Laurent Mallet
European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM)
See the Biosketch

Siemon NG
Notch Therapeutics
See the Biosketch

Gibran Horemheb Rubio Quintnares

Song Sun

Charles Swofford
MIT Center for Biomedical Innovation
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Afterwards the slides are only accessible to IABS members, using their Member Login and Password.

The International Alliance for Biological Standardization (IABS) is an independent, non-profit scientific Alliance, governed by Articles 60-79 of the Swiss Civil code and by its Constitution. Its office is located in Geneva (Switzerland). IABS has members in over 50 countries.



The mission of the Alliance which is related to the scientific and medical advancement of Biologicals, includes :

  • To host conferences and workshops, facilitate communication, and develop consensus on key contemporary issues related to biologicals among those who discover, develop, produce and regulate biological products for human and animal health
  • To foster evidence-based Science as the standard for improving and ensuring the quality and the safety of biological products
  • To share scientific advancements and innovative regulatory solutions through our journal “Biologicals”.


Reports and proceedings of IABS conferences and workshops appear in its journal Biologicals, published by Elsevier.


  • Affiliations with a global community of recognized experts
  • Exclusive access to archived information from scientific events (library of speaker presentations, conclusions and recommendations)
  • Reduced fees for a subscription to the journal Biologicals
  • Voting rights for matters discussed during the Biennial IABS General Assembly (Elections, Constitutional changes)

For more information on how to become a member of IABS, please visit: