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tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Welcome from IABS and HSI

Joris Vandeputte – IABS 
Laura Viviani – SciEthiQ/HSI

Scientific Considerations for the Lifecycle Management of Vaccine Reference Standards and the Impact of Animal Assay Use

Dean Smith – HealthCanada

Session 1: An overview of successful examples of collaborations on reagents production, availability and affordability.

Case study: DTP reagents

Emmanuelle Coppens – Sanofi on behalf of the VAC2VAC Consortium

Case study: influenza vaccine potency reagents

Maryna Eichelberger – CBER FDA, USA

Case study: NGS standards for adventitious virus detection

Arifa Khan - USFDA

Case study: PATH efforts on universal reagents and reference standard development

Kutub Mahmood - PATH

Session 2: Describing the challenges: stakeholder’s perspectives

Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network perspective

Sunil Goel – Serum Institute of India on behalf of DCVMN

Non animal based reagents manufacturers perspective

Esther Wenzel – Abcalis

Critical Reagents in China

Le Sun – Abmax, China

The EU/EEA OCABR network; maximising resources through work sharing and mutual recognition

Catherine Milne – EDQM

The South Africa example on the application of the reliance principle

Quinton Meyer – South Africa National Control Laboratory for Biological Products